Body Shape and Form


Present your opinion of the work’s success or failure.

I think that this was a success since I really wanted to capture the eyes of my model and her hand placements as I took these photos but as always, I can improve as I go as well. 

What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure?

The qualities of the work that made me feel like it was a success was as I said before capturing the eyes and hand placement. While also trying to hope it’s, vibe matched the concept. 

What criteria can you list to help others judge this work?

A criterion could be rating from 1-5.  1 being I really need to figure out what I specifically wanted to capture to 5 being that I did good and followed the concept well.

Describe how the work makes you think or feel. Support your statement with what in the work leads you to feel those emotion

This makes me feel how happy I was to see what I could create and manifest through just a photograph since in the photos they were what I wanted it to look like and just added more detail to it after.

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